Important Notes

Kindly take note of the following important enrollment instructions:

1. Each child will need to be registered in to one course at a time.
    - If you intend to enroll a child into multiple courses, you will need to complete the registration/payment of one course prior to proceeding with the enrollment of another course

2. If you intend to enroll multiple children, you will need to register each child separately, one course at a time.
    - Registration/payment for one child must be completed prior to proceeding with the next child’s enrollment

3. Separate grade-level Islamic Studies courses may be merged into combo-grade courses if enrollment is under 10 students per grade

4. Courses are offered via live sessions only

5. Tuition is $36.50 monthly/child and is billed $110 for 1 trimester which comprises of 3 months (Sept – Nov 2020)

6. Enrollment for the following trimester (Dec – Feb 2021) will open 2 weeks before the current trimester ends

7. Tuition paid is non-refundable